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Drabble- love

(My net problem is still going on, hence I am Virtually cut off Virtual world. Do not ask how mother’s day was. Last year she found the gift before time as you had read.  So this year I was careful to be more far sighted. Hence she woke up, had her morning walk still did not notice her gift waiting on her dressing table. Fate had to always twist it. My exam are nearing and this time I am serious so will upload articles and more new stuff after 14th June)

{Here is a small drabble that was going in mind for a while. Just random thoughts and questions no answer found yet…..}

As in much previous post I have been skeptical about feelings. Few days back when I was reading Murakami, I felt most of the novels deal with love. Love of all kind, not only novels, movies, anime, cartoons, songs everything and anything for once has love as the theme. Keats had his own love, Sylvia Plath had sad love for dark within, Othello had jealousy created of love, Browning dealt with the madness of love, DH Lawrence with passion of love, Coelho with the spiritual-physical love. Dorian Gray had his love for beauty ruin him.  Some present them beautifully, some in epic, some in erotic novels like EL James and many BL writers.  Romeo Juliet strike us, Millaments love is sometimes funny to us, Princess tutu expresses love without speaking, Usagi forces his love on Misaki.  James Blunt soothes with his” Your beautiful” , Joan Jett shouts “I hate myself for loving you”, Yiruma plays it in his melody.  Mills and Boons have sloppy love stories, Arundhati  Roy makes zygotic twins love each other, Shinjuku Nakamura makes man love each other, Tolstoy make Anna jump in front of train for shame of love. Ruskin Bond goes on humming as the forever Romantic at 73. But in the end all comes down to it. John Barth says in literature of exhaustion about exhausted ideas, themes, techniques, styles  and so on… But this theme is yet to exhaust isn’t?

P.S- I told you it was drabble, but I still want to know why Love of all the themes in world., here, I am saying bye from the cyber cafe...

Thanking you to bear with me



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