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Showing posts from January, 2013

Detecting the Pink...

Today is the Republic Day of our country, birth of our great constitution, I wanted to write an anger filled post on this special day. I began with prose, but before I knew it turned to poem. I know I am a pathetic poet, yet it spurned out. I had so many things to say. Today I finally realized I am a born Feminist, I cant be a silent spectator any more, when my country is turning hollow. I want change, I want safety, I want respect. Today my poem is dedicated to Nirbhaya the 23 year old Delhi rape victim, to the 11 year old rape victim fighting for life, the 5 year old rape victim in Karnataka, the 73 year old rape victim in USA, to every Syrian women and girl  who is abused, raped, molested, killed, to Laxmi Orang  stripped naked in our state capital, to every woman who face domestic violence,beaten, burned and killed for Dowry and to the unborn who are filtered out to be killed just because you are a girl and to every female to unite to make a change.. ...

All the best President Obama... ...

So today President Obama took his oath for second term, I am so happy... I told my friends to watch the live oath taking ceremony and they asked " Why are you getting so excited over a foreign President?". Well  I never gave that thought 'why', I have been a fan of President Obama, rather an admirer since 2008. So lets try to explore why we ( the people around the world are happy about President Obama's win).      On the day of his win, my whole Facebook page was filled with the online news of the Historic Win. The Women's Right Page was on fire from the day the campaigning began. Huffington Post, The New Yorker, The Times, The Hindu, etc all were putting up the news since the beginning. So I had a close watch over the whole process. But I am a Indian why am I so happy? Some critic actually said  Obama's win is Loss to my country in terms of investments and job opportunities. Yes it might be bad for us in some cases. SO what?...

Me in Madland...

happy new year,  ( SORRY I AM LATE) to everyone who ever read my blog, to anyone who ever hated me, loved me and to everyone who have been an  integral part of my blog and me- my readers, family and friends... Well we have nothing special for me to share, but we have loads to see, so I have uploaded plenty many pictures for everyone.  Please don't be angry I could not stop myself from sharing those pictures. I spent almost a month in city of joy, and  my sister and brother-in-law tried their level best to make me stay longer and miss my college week. But alas! they failed. My trip in a nutshell  I went on 8th December, in train I met a talented musician named Sagar Paul, I spoke with him a lot and he has made me his sister. Its strange strangers can be good friends too. I went to City Of Joy with sole purpose to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II. So this time my mission did not fail. I watched it and I was happy Kristen...