Does the month of February feel inferior because she has twenty eight days? Does she feel insulted when every four year she gets an extra day under wings yapping Leap year! Leap year! The essential question that everyone asks in their childhood would be why dear February has only twenty eight days in her kitty. Some of us know the Roman Version where one from the Ceaser clan snatched days from her and added it to the month named after him. Some know the mythical version where February became self sacrificing to save another month from vanishing. In childhood it was a short month that was too short before the impending month that brought exams. March its successor has his domain of fear, where he terrorises kids with Exam and adults with tax. In the end poor February becomes the sweet victim of post-new year nostalgia and pre-exam stress. Again being second also equivalent to being invisible, never the first always the second, it’s such a hurting position. In blink of...
I am a mad-foe, who observes, absorbs and chronicles.