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just paint away....

Life is touched by few, some motivate, some influence, some teach... and some question the whole existence of us.....

Well today paulOaries had, something different, yet very rooting experience.... Whats my life without a surprise at every other turn and no.....  Today was my Art Sixth year finals ( practicals)... It was one of the worst day for my painting.... But an awesome chance to be swept of my balanced mind....

My cousin brother and I went to over filled art school, where no place was reserved for us... Then we were sent to first floor, and asked to sit on floor covered with bed-sheet... But more tykes came up, and my brother suggested that we should move to the roof...  I have had seen the roof, but it was not what we call a roof...

Enter the great surprise.... a small width concrete structure was standing on the building and claiming it self as roof... At that point I felt pushing off my brother from the *roof*... It was really sunny day , and we had to sit on the dirty roof.. to paint... To my dismay, too many distraction existed and my mind was out of colours... My subject to paint... ** City Day**...  

Distraction 1:- the roof... though it was small, I could not stop romancing with my cell phone... and took the pictures... The roof was really inspiring... and I felt spiritually elevated... The bag belongs to my Little brother, and the brushes and pen are mine....

 Distraction 2:- the view from the roof... was enchanting me to stop painting and just sit there and get united with the ether  (too spiritual)...  I could sit there for eternity....

Distraction 3 :- that's my art paper, my bottle, and my paint box, half of what I took with me... My small purse containing water colours and oil colours... To me these are real still life...

Distraction 4 :- The view again, but the building constructed  near was no less diverting,,, Well that inspired me to draw city life... that raw building, that is visible in the picture below...

Distraction 5 :- the other side of the roof... rather I could not stop looking a

 Distraction 6 :-  The flower tubs too helped me to dream away further... Then I remembered, That my brother was with me too....

The final product of practical one :- worst painting of my life.... Even a five year old has better colour sense and imagination..... I could not Draw any vehicle properly, nor paint decent colours, and I forgot to take my Artist colours....

With the second paper approaching, my brother deserted me, alone.. So I was shifted back to reality, to the First floor... And my still life exam started.. After lots of  adjustment and query, I was given a Steel Jug, Steel glass and Wooden flower vase with with artificial flower....  

With me sat the founder of the Art school and the invigilator of all exams.. Yes I had most artistic day of my life in years.... Founder asked me various question, later realizing I am granddaughter of his neighbor and I live in the same block....   I asked the Invigilator if he is the same person who came years back in the art workshop I attended, to which I got negative....  Founder asked me if I had trained in singing,  No I said... But I said I have a deep desire to Learn Rabindra Sangeet.. He has... asked me to go to him for three months and he will teach me the basic.... I asked if new guitar, he agreed to teach that after I learn Rabindra Sangeet...  He told me how upset he was that his students who teach now, have become very professional instead of  sharing and worshiping the art of music...  

After three hour long chatting examination, I went to submit my disgraceful Still Life.... Then the Invigilator showed me my fault in art... He explained the concept of Light and Shadow and how I must Worship my Art....

These is the final product, and the flash in my cellphone made the work even lighter...

I realized, that my art is never good when I have limited time and I am forced to imagine....  My study table is filled with my art, rather scribbled art, my whole life pictured on it, and that's my worship, which I perform unconsciously on my table, back of my notebook, on my poetry book...   Today I could not channel myself to the happiness...

But it was a day woth remembering and penning and sharing.... Not very exciting, but really unexpected.. 

P.S- In the end writing has been my first love,...

thanking you to bear with me


  1. Awesome painting. I shared it in FB and titled it as 'disocvering chance'. Wow! what a double painting story. Awesome. Loved it blogger. may the non-existing God Bless you. :-)

  2. u drew these 2?? oh god :(

  3. :( i said before worst day for painting....


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