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Book Review: M is for Magic by Neil Gaiman

Book Review: M is for Magic by Neil Gaiman

Quote: Stories you read when you are the right age never quit leave. You may forget who wrote them or what the story. Sometimes you will forget who wrote them or what the story was called. sometimes you will forget precisely what happened but if a story touches you it will stay with you one thing the places in your mind that you really visit.


Short stories are tiny Windows into the other world and other Minds another Dreams. they are Journeys you can make to the far side of the universe and still be back in time for dinner.

Eleven stories range from the scary to the whimsical, the fantastical to the humourous- each a different journey . . . is what the blurb reads. 

What I did not realize before buying the book that it was a collected collection of stories picked from the other three anthologies by Gaiman. Well, we can blame the cover as it so bewitching and the name of the anthology is so pretty!

How to talk to girls at parties, Troll Bridge and Sunbird are my favourite stories, what I enjoyed was the prosaic poetry Instructions; evocative and scary. The Witch's headstone is one of the sweetest chapters from the Graveyard Book, it always reminds me that one tiny act of good can have a long-lasting impact.

I forgot about October in Chair, reading it again made me realize why I love Gaiman's words so much! It has the perfect blend of autumn's emotions and winter's eagerness to wrap everything in snow and mind it I as a reader have never experienced snowfall! Chivalry remains as one of my favourite stories about old lone ladies, how often do you find Holy Grail in stories? Mrs. Whitaker found it under a fur coat.

The Price will always confuse me and make me love cats more. Though not often spotted but Gaiman has his fair share of cats in stories who die, go missing or are protecting their families, cats indeed are magical beings.

What I thoroughly loved reading was the introduction to the book, which aims at young readers and he tells them that it's okay to not like every story in the collection and the beauty of a short story anthology is that if you don't like one story, there is always another one waiting to surprise you.


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