Book Review: My Pet Human by Yasmine Surovec
Quote: It took me a while to master "the look," but it's essential to getting what I want from humans. And let's just say, I always get what I want. I mean, who can resist this face? I'm adorable!
Meet Mr. Independent nameless cat, who knows it all! He knows how to avoid animal control, how to get scraps from cooks at restaurants, climb tries and avoid human toddlers. And oh he loves boxes. The blurb of the book is what made me part with my money. A cat seeking a human pet: who must feed him a lot of treats, give back rubs, supplies boxes, plays with him and loves him Infinitely. Soon this independent cat befriends two humans who have just moved into the empty house at the end of the line. Curiosity get hold of him, he ends up becoming the little human's only friend and her mother soon warms up to him. They give him baths, feed him tuna and cuddles, and he in return claws meows in the night and shoves and rubs face in the big human's sleeping face. The art is so cute, Ben, Farrah, George, Liam, everyone is adorable to look at. The dialogues are funny and I loved how light it was to read. None of the mushy and sob stories in-between. The expression on the cat was so well pulled out. Especially when he gets caught by pet control! That chubby face with few strokes turned so sad and lonely. For someone who regrets not looking after a cat I was fostering and abandoning it, I definitely go through bouts of guilt of that deed and I also desperately crave a cat, a cat of mine own, only mine. But I have been resisting this selfish desire for a few years now. I walk the roads and look out for kittens, I pet them and let them be. I don't dare to pick one up. I look at my online friends, I happen to have found multiple cat moms and cat dads over the years as my dear peers and kindred spirits. They share photographs of their kittens and cats with me. They upload videos and I go awwww. I share photographs of street cats and feed them. But I am struggling as an adult so I must not bring a cat to my life. I am even a cat godmother! I even ask my dear ones to keep reminding me that I should not bring another life to my life, and not look after it properly. So I have resorted to buying books on cats. Books about cats. Books by cats (narrative persona). This is the fifth cat book I bought, I think I might make a special entry in my blog for cat books. If I can't have a cat I will just raise a virtual cat on my iPad. Oh yes, we can be virtual cat moms too! And read more cat books and hope to become mature enough to raise a furry killer.
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